Politics are everywhere, especially in the world of game show music. Even game show memorabilia is available somewhere, but it seems that music is either not on the circut, or people use them for their own personal value. Collections do go up or down in value, however using music for trading purposes is just as bad as being able to download them off a P2P network, or other source. If the music could be purchased legally, there would be people out there other than people like us that will buy them. There have always been TV Themes collections out there for years.
Over the past few years i have been a theme/cue collector and have hated most of my time. I am not posting this just because i cant get the "big" name cues/themes that people have out there, and since the new release of some TPIR music, and obviously some people do have the whole collection on cds, However, those who do collect are limited by what they can get unless they have excellent sources, or work for a station or television show. As they say, the rich stay rich and the poor stay poor.
This is a game show community. Not everyone out there can even tolerate the sound of game show music, especially classic music. I know friends of mine that i have played music for, only go for the late 90s/present music, instead of 60s-80s music. I do not have a problem with people actually hearing a piece of music that hasnt been heard for years or never. GSN even stopped releasing music, so obviously there isnt really much of a calling for it. Being able to hear a piece of music isnt illegal, so why is it so taboo, and difficult to hear music from other collectors in the field of game shows. Collectors of other telelvision music are not as strict or anal about their collections enough to hored them to themselves or just to others that can give them something for it.
I understand video collections are a bit of an issue, i mean everyone cant just upload videos to the web for viewing, however there is nothing wrong with music. I have friends of mine who would be willing to offer space for that. I just cannot see why there is so much politics in game show music collecting. Nobody else wants to hear it, and the people that want to, can't. Something wrong there i think.
Just my 2 cents.
I know there are a lot of the big collectors out there who are calling me names and do not agree with me, and i respect their position. However, just really who is to blame. I know i have kept things for myself, however i i have never used them for trading purposes nor have people asked to hear them. But for the people who do have music that people havent heard....in the words of Peter Griffin,
"Come on"